Five More “Low Buck, Big Bang” Ways to Increase Your Church Outreach

by Joe Pursch on July 8th, 2010
  1. Be different. “Begin an unexpected series, have a unique worship experience, or do something (good) that gets people talking,” says Morgan.
  2. Activate your church in the community. Getting outside the church walls to directly impact the lives of people in your community will increase your church’s visibility and improve their reputation to your potential visitors.
  3. Eliminate noise. Eliminate competing messages from your church by minimizing what is communicated. Morgan advises, “The fewer messages the church delivers, the more likely the important messages will be heard.”
  4. Encourage word-of-mouth. Morgan says the number one reason people show up to your church in the first place is because someone invited them. “If your church has stopped growing, ask yourself, Why have people stopped inviting their friends, and what would have to happen for that to change?
  5. Lead by example. Leaders must find a way to cultivate personal relationships with non-believers, says Morgan. “I know of a student who refused to walk through the doors of a church until a youth pastor, who got to know her at an outreach event, wrote her a two-line note thanking her for attending.”

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