Five Reasons Why I’m Devoted to His Church

by Joe Pursch on July 23rd, 2011

Five Reasons Why I’m Devoted to Ministry In His Church:

1. The church is the only entity on earth that Jesus Himself promised to build. (Matt. 16:18) Why would I want to invest myself in any lesser enterprise? The Bible speaks of a “human harvest” being gathered in by a glad Savior as precious men and women respond to His call. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

2. The church is the most privileged “people-gathering” on the planet for one breathtaking reason: it and it alone is peopled with men and women who were bought with Christ’s own blood. (Acts 20:28). Since my salvation is the most precious possession of my life, there is only one family I would want to belong to, only one people that can value the deepest treasure that I have.

3. The church is the only place where I can experience true worship, where I can connect in spirit to the realm of heaven which I was created to experience. (John 4:24; Phil. 3:3). Though the songs can sometime be stilted or saccharine and we sometimes bruise one another on our way to the altar, there’s still no other place where I can encounter Him.

4. The church is the pillar and protector of the radically divine truth that saved me and keeps me ( 1 Tim. 3:15). The driving passion of my life is to know this truth as enshrined in Scripture and revealed by His Spirit; the deepest joy in my lfe comes as I pour myself out in communicating this truth to others. Where else can I go to find the Words of Life, and give them?

5. The church is the one place on earth where the triumph of good over evil is guaranteed to occur…someday. (Matt. 16:18). I’ve tasted enough evil already in my life. I’m longing more than ever for sin and wickedness and all the suffering that they deliver to be banished forever. In His future church, I’ll have a front row seat for that finale; in His present church, I can get small foretastes of that victory every time someone surrenders more completely to Christ. Every true church of Jesus is a place of redemption unfolding, little by little, all the time. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that in a world like this?

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