What’s On My Bookshelf These Days…

by Joe Pursch on October 30th, 2010

Christless Christianity by Michael Horton (A masterful exposure of the questionable directions that some are taking in Gospel Preaching in the American church today)

Living the Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney (Strengthened my confidence to continue to drive a pathway to the golden milestone of the Cross in all of my preaching)

Expository Preaching Methods by F.B. Meyer (Gained good insights into how to preach doctrine in listenable ways from this 1910 work by an English pulpit master)

New Testament Christianity by J.B. Phillips (Though we wouldn’t agree in some ways theologically, Phillips delivered a great exploration of the dynamic of faith in the early church vs. our own)

He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Post Modern World by Al Mohler (Best defense out there of the phrase “The only kind of Biblical preaching is expository”. The “meaning of the method” is powerfully explained for the modern pastor trying to find his voice in the slip stream of narrative-driven teaching styles out there.)

This Little Church Had None by Gary Gilley (Everyone involved in evangelical leadership ought to pick this one up. This is a brief but clear critique of the latest trends in the Emergent Church and other “pragmatically-reduced” versions of the Gospel being promoted in ministry today. )

Conquer Your Fear, Share Your Faith by Ray Comfort (An everyman’s exposition of the dynamics of how true conviction rises in lost people only when we honestly and boldly reveal their sin before we comfort them with mercy.  I read this to increase my courage in sharing the offense of the cross.)

Talent Is Overrated by Geoff Colvin (Groundbreaking stuff from the editor of Fortune on how to really achieve dominant performance; gave me a focused process to use in getting better as a communicator/influencer in my second half of ministry.)

The Yankee Years by Joe Torre (Great stories and principles on developing talent and teamwork. I’ve applied it this year in motivating and directing others. )

John Adams by David McCullough (I’ve worked through this one most of the year. Like many of  McCullough’s works, it is an observation on how the true character of a leader develops, against the backdrop of human error and frailty that popular history too often obscures.)

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